Leslie Mason Photography: Blog https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog en-us (C) Leslie Mason Photography [email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:03:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:03:00 GMT https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/img/s/v-12/u279447609-o918947148-50.jpg Leslie Mason Photography: Blog https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog 120 80 Charlotte, NC Family Photographer: Fall 2016 Sessions https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2016/12/charlotte-nc-family-photographer-fall-2016-sessions As most of you know, our precious baby boy, Bodhi, joined our family in late September this year.  He's such a blessing!!  Fall is also the busiest time of year for photography, with all of the gorgeous colors and many taking photos for their holiday cards.  I started photographing again a month after Bodhi was born and have been going full speed ever since!  I just finished editing my last sessions last night and thought I'd share all of my sessions since the end of October with you guys!  I am so thankful for my wonderful clients and had such a fun and fulfilling fall season with all of you!! Looking back at all of these photos makes me so happy to know that I was able catch such special moments. I can't wait to see what 2017 brings for Leslie Mason Photography!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Ballantyne Corporate Park Belmont Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Maternity Photographer Charlotte Maternity Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Charlotte, NC Maternity Photographer Charlotte, NC Maternity Photography Fort Mill, SC Family Photographer Freedom Park Charlotte, NC Huntersville, NC Family Photographer Latta Park Latta Park Photography Newborn Photographer Uptown Charlotte https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2016/12/charlotte-nc-family-photographer-fall-2016-sessions Mon, 12 Dec 2016 17:04:38 GMT
Charlotte Newborn Photographer: Krista's Maternity Session https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2016/8/charlotte-newborn-photographer-kristas-maternity-session I met Krista through a friend, and I've gotten to know her over the summer.  We're both going through pregnancies and it's been fun to compare notes and talk about what we're experiencing.  She's expecting her baby girl this month (in just a few short weeks), and we did her maternity session at the Anne Springs Close Greenway.  It was a hot and humid night with a lot of walking, but she was a trooper and we were able to get some beautiful shots that evening!  Her husband, Rick, was quite the trooper, too :)  Here are some favorites from her session!!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Anne Springs Close Greenway Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Charlotte, NC Maternity Photographer Fort Mill, SC Maternity Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2016/8/charlotte-newborn-photographer-kristas-maternity-session Sat, 06 Aug 2016 13:08:32 GMT
Isla's One Year Session: Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2016/6/islas-one-year-session-charlotte-nc-family-photographer I've really fallen behind on my blog posts recently, but I just had to post this one!  I'm obsessed with this adorably styled session with a teepee and adorable flower headbands :)  Isla is turning one this month, and she loved that cake!  Here are some photos from our session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Rock Hill Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2016/6/islas-one-year-session-charlotte-nc-family-photographer Fri, 10 Jun 2016 18:11:36 GMT
Eloise: Charlotte, NC Newborn Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2016/1/eloise-charlotte-nc-newborn-photographer I had a blast photographing the Coley family for Newborn Eloise's session.  This was such a fun family and Rowan is a very proud big brother!!  Here are some highlights from our session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2016/1/eloise-charlotte-nc-newborn-photographer Mon, 25 Jan 2016 15:37:23 GMT
2015 Fall Sessions: Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2016/1/2015-fall-sessions I've fallen behind on my blog, so I thought I'd post the highlights of all of my fall sessions with the wonderful families I photographed!  This doesn't include my wonderful newborn families, which I'll put into another post.  I love every single family I photograph and they make the hectic fall and Christmas season worth it all!!  Thank you all for being a part of Leslie Mason Photography!!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Ballantyne Corporate Park Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Huntersville, NC Family Photographer Photographer Uptown Charlotte https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2016/1/2015-fall-sessions Mon, 25 Jan 2016 15:04:35 GMT
Charlotte Family Photographer: The Gibson Family https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/10/charlotte-family-photographer-the-gibson-family The Gibson Family came with the perfect prop...a vintage truck in a field!!  That paired with the beautiful sunlight and an even more beautiful family made for an awesome session!!  I had so much fun with the Gibsons and I adore all of these photos!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Huntersville, NC Family Photographer Uptown Charlotte https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/10/charlotte-family-photographer-the-gibson-family Sun, 11 Oct 2015 13:12:02 GMT
Charlotte Family Photographer: Riley's One Year Session https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/10/charlotte-family-photographer-rileys-one-year-session Riley was so adorable, and her mom came prepared with so many cute outfits for her to wear!!  She wasn't sure about her smash cake at first, but she sure loved it once it she dug into it :)  We did this session at the Ballantyne Corporate Park, and it was the perfect setting for this fun evening!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Ballantyne Corporate Park Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/10/charlotte-family-photographer-rileys-one-year-session Tue, 06 Oct 2015 23:26:12 GMT
Charlotte, NC Newborn Photographer: Newborn Anthony https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/10/charlotte-nc-newborn-photographer-newborn-anthony I had the pleasure of photographing baby Anthony, and he was perfect!  It didn't take him long to settle and get nice and cozy for the photos.  His mommy and daddy were a pleasure to meet, as well, and we had a great session!  Here are a few of my favorites!!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/10/charlotte-nc-newborn-photographer-newborn-anthony Mon, 05 Oct 2015 21:02:46 GMT
Charlotte Family Photographer: Leah's One Year Session https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/9/charlotte-family-photographer-leahs-one-year-session The Chartraws are close friends of ours, and watching Leah grow has been so much fun!  She's just a little ray of sunshine!  We did her one year session at Freedom Park, and although she'd about had it by the end, we had a great time :)

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/9/charlotte-family-photographer-leahs-one-year-session Thu, 24 Sep 2015 18:35:12 GMT
Charlotte Family Photographer: The Campbell Family https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/9/charlotte-family-photographer-the-campbell-family I first photographed the Campbells with little Knox was born, and I can't believe he's already so big!!  We had a great time during this session at Freedom Park!  And Hadley is such a fun little ball of energy :)


[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/9/charlotte-family-photographer-the-campbell-family Thu, 24 Sep 2015 18:23:42 GMT
Charotte, NC Wedding Photographer: Callie and Matt https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/8/charotte-nc-wedding-photographer-callie-and-matt Callie and Matt's wedding was my first wedding to ever photograph.  Before then, I'd focused on my portrait photography of all of the awesome families I know!  When Callie's mom (also my daughters' preschool director) reached out to me about the wedding, I got excited!  I let them know I hadn't photographed a wedding, but I would give it 110%.  Up to the day, I was nervous and stressing any time I thought about it, but I was also so pumped to do my first wedding!  

Callie and Matt are such a great couple surrounded by awesome friends and family.  I truly had such a good time photographing them, and you can tell they're a great fit for each other!  It was nice to work with such a laid back couple, too...they put their trust in me and went with it.  They were very refreshing!!  The wedding was held at Rolling Hills Farm in Monroe, NC.  The venue was perfect!  The caterer, Waiter's Choice, did a great job with the food (I was able to have a quick plate, and it was delicious!).  LaLa Girl did an amazing job on the girls' hair and makeup--they all looked gorgeous!!  Daniel Schmitt from Ladybug Videography was a pleasure to work with.  And of course, wedding coordinator, Angela Williams, did a great job organizing the entire day.

Callie and Matt got Brushfire Stankgrass as the band for the ceremony and reception, and what a fun band!!  They played some rockin' bluegrass music and had a little reggae mixed in there.  You can tell by the reception pictures that everyone enjoyed their music!  I'd also love to give a big shout out to Kathleen Durkin (www.crowntownphotography.com) for letting me shoot as second photographer for one of her weddings and for helping me with any questions I had.  She's a great photographer here in Charlotte and we had a great time working together.  Another shout out to goes to Christina Forbes (www.christinaforbesphotography.com) for helping with all of my questions!!  She photographed my family in the Outer Banks this year and immediately gave me some pointers when I mentioned I was photographing my first wedding.  These girls are truly class acts and great at what they do :)  And of course and very special thanks to my dear friend Jen who assisted me all day!!  She was truly amazing!

I hope you guys enjoy some of the highlights from wedding that I've posted in this blog!!  


[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer NC Photographer Photography Wedding https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/8/charotte-nc-wedding-photographer-callie-and-matt Fri, 28 Aug 2015 15:29:36 GMT
Charlotte Newborn Photographer: Newborn Baby Finn https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/6/charlotte-newborn-photographer-newborn-baby-finn I photographed this fun family for their maternity session, and was so excited to photograph Finn when she arrived.  She looks just like her big sister, and she's a total sweetheart.  Only time will tell if she has that same funny personality that Sylvie does!!  Here are a few of my favorite shots from the session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/6/charlotte-newborn-photographer-newborn-baby-finn Mon, 29 Jun 2015 13:29:02 GMT
Charlotte Family Photographer: Jack's One Year Session https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/6/charlotte-family-photographer-jacks-one-year-session I can't believe Jack is a year old!!!  I feel like I just did his newborn session a month ago.  He's such a special little guy (and his parents aren't too bad either :))!  I love this family and am so lucky to have them as friends.  We had a great time photographing this session, and Jack LOVES cake!!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/6/charlotte-family-photographer-jacks-one-year-session Mon, 29 Jun 2015 13:27:29 GMT
Charlotte Family Photographer: Mary Blair's One Year Session https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/6/charlotte-family-photographer-mary-blairs-one-year-session The Wiley Family is so adorable!  We had a great time taking these photos at Freedom Park for Mary's One Year Session.  They are actually moving to Charlotte, and were in town looking at houses for the weekend.  I'm so pleased that they asked me to do the session while they were visiting.  Here are a few of my favorite shots from the session!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Freedom Park https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/6/charlotte-family-photographer-mary-blairs-one-year-session Mon, 29 Jun 2015 13:22:52 GMT
Charlotte Maternity Photographer: Rebecca's Maternity Session https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/6/charlotte-maternity-photographer-rebeccas-maternity-session Rebecca is due very soon now, so I thought I'd start catching up on my blog with her maternity session.  She's a beautiful mommy-to-be, and we took her photos at the Ballantyne Corporate Park.  The weather was great, and it was so nice to meet her and her husband Cody.  I can't wait to meet their little girl and photograph her newborn session (very) soon!!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Ballantyne Corporate Park Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Charlotte, NC Maternity Photographer Charlotte, NC Maternity Photography https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/6/charlotte-maternity-photographer-rebeccas-maternity-session Mon, 29 Jun 2015 13:17:38 GMT
Charlotte Newborn Photographer: Newborn Harrison https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/5/charlotte-newborn-photographer-newborn-harrison I had the pleasure of photographing baby Harrison and his family!  He and his big sister were just too cute, and come from a loving family.  Even grandma got in on the pictures!!  

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Huntersville Huntersville, NC Family Photographer NC Newborn Photographer" https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/5/charlotte-newborn-photographer-newborn-harrison Fri, 08 May 2015 02:08:02 GMT
Charlotte Newborn Photographer: Newborn Baby Dane https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/5/charlotte-newborn-photographer-newborn-baby-dane I've known Brandy and Greg for a while now through our mutual friend Cailyn (who's also Dane's Godmother!), and they're the sweetest couple.  When I met Dane, he's no exception...a sweetie from head to toe and so cute!!  I was so excited when Brandy asked me to do the photos so I could meet the little guy.  We got some great shots, and you can tell Dane is very loved!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Concord Newborn Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/5/charlotte-newborn-photographer-newborn-baby-dane Fri, 01 May 2015 19:40:52 GMT
Charlotte, NC Family Photographer: Connor's One Year Session https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/4/charlotte-nc-family-photographer-connors-one-year-session I have photographed Connor for his newborns and when he was 6 months, and I love capturing these milestones for my clients.  Connor is already a year old!!  He's so happy and sweet, and one of the best subjects for photos :)  His parents are pretty great, too!  Here are some shots we got during the one year session at Ballantyne Corporate Park.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Ballantyne Corporate Park Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/4/charlotte-nc-family-photographer-connors-one-year-session Wed, 22 Apr 2015 17:40:06 GMT
Charlotte Newborn Photographer: Newborn AJ https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/4/charlotte-newborn-photographer-newborn-aj I've been photographing the Bouskill family since big sister Elle was born.  I was so excited about meeting AJ and photographing him with his family.  There's so much love for him, and it certainly shows in the pictures!  Here are some of the photos we took during the lifestyle session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Huntersville, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/4/charlotte-newborn-photographer-newborn-aj Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:15:10 GMT
Charlotte, NC Engagement Photographer: Jennifer and Chris in Uptown Charlotte https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/4/charlotte-nc-engagement-photographer-jennifer-and-chris-in-uptown-charlotte Engagement sessions are so much fun, and this was no exception!  Jennifer and Chris are a great couple, and we had a blast in Uptown Charlotte doing their photos.  Here are some of the shots we got <3

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Engagement Photographer Charlotte, NC Engagement Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Romare Bearden Park Photography Uptown Charlotte https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/4/charlotte-nc-engagement-photographer-jennifer-and-chris-in-uptown-charlotte Fri, 17 Apr 2015 22:21:38 GMT
Charlotte, NC Newborn Photographer: Natalie's Lifestyle Session https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/3/charlotte-nc-newborn-photographer-natalies-lifestyle-session Not too long ago, I photographed Natalie's family for the maternity session, and now she's here!  She is such a sweet baby, and never made a peep.  She seems to love her big sister, Amelie, and Amelie loves her too.  Here's a peek at some of the photos were took during the lifestyle session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/3/charlotte-nc-newborn-photographer-natalies-lifestyle-session Tue, 10 Mar 2015 21:50:59 GMT
Charlotte, NC Maternity Photographer: Liz's Maternity Session https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/1/charlotte-nc-maternity-photographer-lizs-maternity-session I photographed Amelie's one year session and birthday party, and I adore this family.  They're looking forward to having another girl, and I can't wait to do the newborn session!  Here are some pictures from the maternity session, and they're precious.  Enjoy!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Charlotte, NC Maternity Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/1/charlotte-nc-maternity-photographer-lizs-maternity-session Mon, 26 Jan 2015 01:37:44 GMT
Belmont, NC Newborn Photographer: Newborn Baby Mason https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/1/belmont-nc-newborn-photographer-newborn-baby-mason Mason was a joy to photograph!  I did his beautiful mommy's maternity session and was so excited for the newborn photos.  Here are some of the photos from our session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Belmont Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Family NC Newborn Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2015/1/belmont-nc-newborn-photographer-newborn-baby-mason Mon, 26 Jan 2015 01:14:38 GMT
It's the Holiday Season!! https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/12/its-the-holiday-season I've definitely neglected to post to my blog this fall.  As you know, this part of the year is pretty busy for a photographer, but it's also the best time of year!  I enjoyed every photo, session, and family!!  From photographing friends to meeting and photographing new clients, it was such a good time.  I wanted to do a post that highlighted the sessions I did this fall.  I hope you enjoy!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Maternity Photographer Charlotte Maternity Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Charlotte, NC Maternity Photographer Charlotte, NC Maternity Photography Fort Mill, SC Family Photographer Freedom Park Charlotte, NC Huntersville, NC Family Photographer Latta Park Latta Park Photography Romare Bearden Park Photography The Green Uptown Charlotte Uptown Charlotte Walter Elisha Park https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/12/its-the-holiday-season Mon, 15 Dec 2014 02:03:11 GMT
Charlotte, NC Newborn Photographer: Newborn Baby McLain https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/10/charlotte-nc-newborn-photographer-newborn-baby-mclain I've photographed the Norman family a few times, and this was by far the most fun.  There's so much love and excitement for new baby McLain, and big sister Reynolds is very proud!!  Here are some of the photos from our lifestyle session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/10/charlotte-nc-newborn-photographer-newborn-baby-mclain Fri, 31 Oct 2014 15:40:16 GMT
Charlotte, NC and Huntersville, NC Newborn Photographer: Baby Aspen https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/10/charlotte-newborn-photographer-baby-aspen New Baby Aspen was the perfect little model.  He was so sweet and cuddly and never made a peep.  His parents are so proud!!  Here are some of the shots we took during his session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Huntersville, NC Family Photographer Huntersville, NC Newborn Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/10/charlotte-newborn-photographer-baby-aspen Sun, 12 Oct 2014 16:46:46 GMT
Charlotte, NC Family Photographer: The Thomas Family https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/10/charlotte-nc-family-photographer-the-thomas-family I photographed the Thomas Family last year for their holiday pictures, and they reached back out to me this year.  They wanted to change up the location a bit, and I'm glad they suggested Uptown Charlotte.  We had a lot of fun during the shoot!  Here are some of the photos we took during the session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Romare Bearden Park Photography The Green Uptown Charlotte Uptown Charlotte https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/10/charlotte-nc-family-photographer-the-thomas-family Wed, 01 Oct 2014 13:58:44 GMT
Charlotte Maternity Photographer: Christal's Maternity Session https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/9/charlotte-maternity-photographer-christals-maternity-session Christal was referred to me by a client, and I'm so glad she was!!  We decided to do her maternity photos in the same place she and her husband were married, Freedom Park.  I thought that made this session even more special, and she's such a beautiful mommy to be.  Christal and her husband, Andre, are so excited for their little one to arrive.  Here are a few photos from our fun evening in Freedom Park!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Maternity Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Charlotte, NC Maternity Photography Freedom Park Charlotte, NC https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/9/charlotte-maternity-photographer-christals-maternity-session Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:42:50 GMT
Charlotte Newborn Photographer: Newborn Baby Leah https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/9/charlotte-newborn-photographer-newborn-baby-leah Matt and Meghan are great friends, and I was so excited to photograph baby Leah!!  She's just beautiful and her parents are so in love!  Here are some photos that we got during the session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/9/charlotte-newborn-photographer-newborn-baby-leah Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:59:13 GMT
Charlotte Family Photographer: The McKeon Family https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/9/charlotte-family-photographer-the-mckeon-family The McKeon Family was so much fun, and little Reese has a huge personality!!  She was so in love with her new little sister, Isla.  Here are some pictures we got during their session uptown!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) 4th Ward Park Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Romare Bearden Park Photography Uptown Charlotte https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/9/charlotte-family-photographer-the-mckeon-family Tue, 09 Sep 2014 01:02:25 GMT
Charlotte Newborn Photographer: Newborn Baby Mary Frances https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/9/charlotte-newborn-photographer-newborn-baby-mary-frances It's always fun photographing the Farrar family, and this session was no exception.  This awesome family welcomed baby Mary Frances, and you can tell Mommy, Daddy and Big Brother Jones are so proud!  Here are some of the photos we took during her newborn shoot.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/9/charlotte-newborn-photographer-newborn-baby-mary-frances Tue, 02 Sep 2014 21:14:52 GMT
Charlotte Newborn Photographer: Baby Elizabeth https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/8/charlotte-newborn-photographer-baby-elizabeth Little Miss Elizabeth came to see me for her newborn session, and she was such a sweetie.  She didn't sleep much, but we were still able to get some beautiful photos.  Here are some of the photos we took during her newborn session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/8/charlotte-newborn-photographer-baby-elizabeth Wed, 27 Aug 2014 16:47:46 GMT
Charlotte Newborn Photographer: Baby Ariel https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/8/charlotte-newborn-photographer-baby-ariel I was so excited to photograph Ariel!  Her mommy and I used to work together and have become good friends over the past 7 years.  Ariel is such a little blessing for Amanda and George, and she's a beautiful addition to their family!  Here's a peek at some of the pictures we captured during the session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/8/charlotte-newborn-photographer-baby-ariel Mon, 25 Aug 2014 22:46:56 GMT
Charlotte Family Photographer: The Norman Family https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/8/charlotte-family-photographer-the-norman-family I love photographing the Norman family, and Reynolds has such a big personality for such a small little girl :)  I can't wait to meet the new addition to their family and see how his personality will develop, as well!  Here are a few shots from our session in 4th Ward Park near Uptown!


[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) 4th Ward Park Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Uptown Charlotte https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/8/charlotte-family-photographer-the-norman-family Mon, 04 Aug 2014 19:24:35 GMT
Charlotte Family Photographer: The Carlson Family https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/7/charlotte-family-photographer-the-carlson-family My husband grew up with the Carlson family, and it's been fun getting to know all of them!  When Rick and Chelsey reached out for photos of them and their adorable little girl Evie, I was so excited.  We had a lot of fun, and this was my first time shooting at Walter Elisha Park and it's now one of my new favorite spots!!  Here are a few photos from the session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Fort Mill, SC Family Photographer Walter Elisha Park https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/7/charlotte-family-photographer-the-carlson-family Mon, 28 Jul 2014 22:25:13 GMT
Charlotte Newborn Photographer: Baby Addison https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/7/charlotte-newborn-photographer-baby-addison I had the pleasure of photographing Addison, and what a beautiful baby!  Kobe, her big brother, is such a cutie, too and is definitely a proud brother.  This session was so much fun, and they're such a wonderful family.  Here are a few photos from the session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/7/charlotte-newborn-photographer-baby-addison Sat, 26 Jul 2014 21:27:51 GMT
Charlotte Family Photographer: Jack Turns 1! https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/7/charlotte-family-photographer-jack-turns-1 I can't believe it's been a year since I photographed sweet little Jack as a newborn.  This session was so much fun to do at Freedom Park!  Here's a peek at some of the photos we took.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Freedom Park Charlotte, NC https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/7/charlotte-family-photographer-jack-turns-1 Sat, 26 Jul 2014 21:08:34 GMT
Charlotte, NC Newborn Photographer: The Slaby Family: Newborn Ryan https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/7/the-slaby-family-newborn-ryan I had the pleasure of photographing the Slaby Family last fall, and I was so excited to hear there would be a new addition.  Ryan is such a sweet baby and compliments his awesome big sister, Allison!!  Such a great family...here are some shots from the their session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Huntersville Family Photographer Huntersville, NC Family Photographer Huntersville, NC Newborn Photography https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/7/the-slaby-family-newborn-ryan Tue, 15 Jul 2014 14:29:34 GMT
Charlotte, NC Newborn Photographer: The Klein Family: Newborn Jack https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/7/the-klein-family-newborn-jack I was so excited to capture these sweet moments with the Klein family.  Steph and Josh are such a fun and awesome couple, and Jack has made the perfect addition to their family.  He's such a good baby and so beautiful!  Here is a look at some of the photos we took during the session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/7/the-klein-family-newborn-jack Mon, 14 Jul 2014 14:24:31 GMT
Charlotte, NC Family Photographer: Sisley Family: Colson Turns 1! https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/6/sisley-family-colson-turns-1 It seems like just a few months ago that I photographed Colson as a newborn, and now he's one!  We had so much fun at Latta Park for the family session then shooting Colson's birthday photos at their house.  Here's a look at some of the photos from our shoot!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Latta Park Latta Park Photography https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/6/sisley-family-colson-turns-1 Mon, 30 Jun 2014 14:20:25 GMT
Charlotte, NC Newborn Photographer: Welcome Newborn Nolan! https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/6/welcome-newborn-nolan Meet the Gray family!  Brie and Nathan have two adorable little boys, and the newest one, Nolan is just as sweet as his brother Jackson!  Thank you, Brie and Nathan, for letting me photograph your family :)  Here's a look at some of the pictures from the session.

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Child Photographer Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte Newborn Photographer Charlotte Newborn Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/6/welcome-newborn-nolan Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:58:59 GMT
Charlotte, NC Maternity Photographer: Sara's Maternity Photos https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/6/charlotte-nc-maternity-photographer-saras-maternity-photos Sara and I used to work together, and I was so excited when I found out she was having a baby.  I'm so thankful she reached out to me for her maternity photos, and we had a lot of fun.  Here's a peek at some of the photos we took during the session.  Isn't she gorgeous!!

[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Family Photographer Charlotte Maternity Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Charlotte, NC Maternity Photographer https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/6/charlotte-nc-maternity-photographer-saras-maternity-photos Mon, 23 Jun 2014 16:07:00 GMT
Outer Banks, NC Family Photography: Clapp and McDaniel Family https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/6/outer-banks-nc-family-photography-clapp-and-mcdaniel-family While on vacation in the Outer Banks with my family, I was lucky enough to be there while my friend, Katie, and her family were there.  I had the pleasure of photographing her awesome family, and it was a lot of fun!!  Here's a taste of some of the shots from that morning.




[email protected] (Leslie Mason Photography) Charlotte Family Photography Charlotte, NC Family Photographer OBX Photography Outer Banks, NC Family Photography https://www.lesliemasonphotography.com/blog/2014/6/outer-banks-nc-family-photography-clapp-and-mcdaniel-family Fri, 20 Jun 2014 14:03:45 GMT